Activities : Field surveys by the FRI KarRC RAS Laboratory of Landscape Ecology and Forest Ecosystems Protection in the Muezersky District, Republic of Karelia (August 5-14, 2014) :

Field surveys by the FRI KarRC RAS Laboratory of Landscape Ecology and Forest Ecosystems Protection in the Muezersky District, Republic of Karelia (August 5-14, 2014)

During the expedition 500 km were surveyed by car, 50 km were walked, and 30 km were surveyed by water.

Ten sites of high recreational value identified in advance were surveyed. The sites were either quite common or unique for the pilot area (surviving fragments of pristine forest, most popular lakes and rivers, some vista points, etc.). Brief descriptions of the sites were made, photographs and video were taken. Some rare, regionally and nationally red-listed plant species were found.

Participants of the expedition arrived at a conclusion that the recreational potential of the district is not used to the full. The hindrances are the lack of facilities and poor accessibility by vehicles or by foot. The most actively used are waterbodies (for fishing and whitewater rafting/kayaking).

Flags This project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland Flags
in English in Russian Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Forest Research Institute of KarRC of RAS Institute of Biology of KarRC of RASKarelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences Administration of Muezersky Municipal District Kostomukshsky Strict Nature Reserve Directorate of regional protected areas of the Republic of Karelia Joensuu office; Future Missions Oy (non profit company)