Activities : Expeditions by the IB KarRC RAS Laboratory of Ichthyology (2014) :

Expeditions by the IB KarRC RAS Laboratory of Ichthyology (2014)

Expeditions to waterbodies used for fisheries took place in the project reporting year 2014. More accurate and updated information about fish stocks in the pilot areas was obtained. Data on the biology of pike, perch, whitefish and grayling were gathered from Lake Kamennoye and the Kamenka River in the Kostomuksha Municipality. For Lake Gimolskoye in the Muezersky District species with good potential for amateur fishing were determined, food resources available to fish were assessed, and the fishery loading on the lake was estimated. The infrastructure and the road network condition in the districts were assessed.

Flags This project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland Flags
in English in Russian Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Forest Research Institute of KarRC of RAS Institute of Biology of KarRC of RASKarelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences Administration of Muezersky Municipal District Kostomukshsky Strict Nature Reserve Directorate of regional protected areas of the Republic of Karelia Joensuu office; Future Missions Oy (non profit company)